Yes, that time.
You were sitting on the couch with the Chumash wide open, the kinderlach on either side of you.
You read a pasuk. Explained Rashi. Closed your eyes in dveykus.
Then Zevi kicked Shevi.
And Shuly pinched Tully.
Parshah shiur was over more quickly than it had begun.
But don’t worry. Zevi, Shevy, Shuly, and Tully will drop their squabbles the moment they catch a glimpse of your surprise. Yes, they’re in for a treat (and so are you).
Rabbi Miller for Children
You’re probably already familiar with the weekly parshah booklets Toras Avigdor produces for adults. But did you know that for years, we’ve been sending out weekly material for children too? Rabbi Aharon Spetner writes these booklets in a fun, engaging way—perfect for kids—focusing on a theme from the weekly parshah. Each issue has a story, a lesson, and even a couple of review questions. The Junior is a great way for children to learn both parshah and hashkafah.
Now Toras Avigdor has collected an entire year of the Junior editions and compiled them into a Rabbi Miller treasury, complete with vibrant and detailed illustrations. It’s funny, relatable, and heartwarming, and you want one for your kids.
An Exceptional Offer for Yom Tov
If you haven’t seen the book yet, check it out. At over 150 pages, it’s big, beautiful, and bright. It’s full of fun stories your kids will want to read over and over. And Toras Avigdor has a special offer just for you.
For a limited time, you can get this gem for only $6 if you buy five or more. That’s 5 books for $30, including shipping!
I know what you’re thinking. Why would I buy five?
~ Because you’re a grandparent who wants to give a special gift to a few sets of grandchildren.
~ Or you need one for your own family, and one for each of your siblings.
~ Or you’re invited out for Shabbos or Yom Tov meals and have just stumbled upon the best-ever gift for your hosts.
~ Or you’re a school principal who knows how much your students are going to grow from this book.
And if you only need one, you still have a fabulous deal—at $11.99, the book is half price.
Toras Avigdor is on a mission to share the profound wisdom of Rabbi Miller with the Jewish world. It’s what we do every day of every week—month in, month out. We’re always looking for ways to reach more people, and we’re immensely grateful to Chanoch L’Naar Foundation for generously sponsoring this special project. Thanks to them, more children will have the chance to learn Rabbi Miller’s Torah at a more-than-affordable price for their families and schools.
Are You In?
Remember those chaotic parshah shiurim on the couch? Those days are over. Parshah just became a whole lot more family-friendly.
To order click here! You may also, write to us at [email protected] or call 732.844.3670. And do it today so you’ll have your book in time for Yom Tov.
Do you know someone special who deserves to be featured on the Toras Avigdor blog? Let us know at [email protected].