What do you say about having a shomer Shabbos vice-presidential nominee?
Chas v’shalom if he would be elected. If he was vice-president – imagine, let’s say if Gore would die of a sickness or sometimes he might be assassinated, all of a sudden he’ll be president. You think the American gentile would keep quiet? What about having Christmas celebrations? He wouldn’t be there. But no, they’ll say he has to have a Christmas tree. No, he wouldn’t do that. “It’s a terrible thing,” they’ll say. “A person who doesn’t believe in Yoshke should be the president in America? It’s a Christian country!”
There would be a Hitler revolution, chas v’shalom, if he’ll be a Torah Jew in the White House. No question about it, there would be a Hitler revolution.
It is a terrible misfortune that he ran for vice president, terrible. And the biggest misfortune is him, himself. He is being ruined by it.
TAPE # E-249 (October 5, 2000)