What can we learn from the shooting of the Pope?
We can learn that a time has come to do something about crime.
And you have to know who is to blame? The Pope is to blame.
And if you’ll ask me who is to blame for shooting the President? The President is to blame.
All the people who are suffering from crime are to blame. And if chas v’shalom Jews suffer, the Jews are to blame. Because something could be done about crime and nothing is being done. If people who are sincere would speak up and they’d talk with sharp teeth to the legislators, something would be done about crime. It’s so silly to make big studies about how to check crime.
Somebody was saying when the President was shot, it proves we need gun control. That’s as silly as could be! What we need is – a writer wrote this recently: ‘We don’t need gun control; we need scum control.’ It means we have to control those scum that are teaching the children in the public schools that they should do whatever they want. They teach them to kill just for the deviltry, just for the fun of it. That’s what’s going on today. The schools are as rotten as can be.
If we wanted to stop crime, we would start in the schools. We would knock out, we would throw out all the psychologists and psychiatrists, all those wicked people who write books today; the textbooks are as rotten as can be. They encourage children to express themselves in the craziest way.
We would step into the television stations and we’d tell them, “Either stop encouraging crime or else you’ll lose your license!” Because you cannot encourage free speech if it endangers the lives of others. We would have mandatory capital punishment for murderers. And the world would suddenly become better.
It’s so easy to restore law and order, but only when the people want. The people don’t want it – the people are full of compassion for murderers and that’s why they’re getting bullets. When you have compassion on murderers, that’s the result.
And therefore, the shooting of the Pope teaches us like the shooting of the President, it’s high time for us to get busy. Especially the frum Jews! We are the ones that have the most sense and we shouldn’t be asleep. All the frum Jews should be up in arms for law and order. Not to vote for politicians who will give us money for programs for Orthodox organizations, for yeshivas. We don’t want that! We want politicians who will vote the way we want for our safety. We’ll fight for law and order! And those politicians or those Orthodox organizations who don’t go along with us, we’ll boycott them and we’ll force them!
The trouble is we’re not doing it and therefore we are suffering what our laziness brings upon us. It’s our own fault. That’s the lesson that we learn from the shooting of the Pope.
TAPE # 362 (May 1981)