

How does one know if he has yiras shamayim?


How does one know that he fears Hashem? When Avraham Avinu had gone through the ordeal of the akeidah so it states, עתה ידעתי כי ירא אלוקים אתה – now I know you fear Hashem. Ohh, if that’s the case then it’s very hard to know.
It’s very hard to be convinced that you’re a pious Jew. So the only way is to keep on working and suspect yourself that you’re not. Until you come to the next world and then you’ll be confronted by the A-mighty and He’ll say ‘Now I know you’re a yarei Hashem.’ Otherwise, as long as you’re alive, suspect that maybe you’re not.
TAPE # 339 (November 20, 1980)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Certified Yiras Shamayim



How does one know if he has yiras shamayim?


How does one know that he fears Hashem? When Avraham Avinu had gone through the ordeal of the akeidah so it states, עתה ידעתי כי ירא אלוקים אתה – now I know you fear Hashem. Ohh, if that’s the case then it’s very hard to know.
It’s very hard to be convinced that you’re a pious Jew. So the only way is to keep on working and suspect yourself that you’re not. Until you come to the next world and then you’ll be confronted by the A-mighty and He’ll say ‘Now I know you’re a yarei Hashem.’ Otherwise, as long as you’re alive, suspect that maybe you’re not.
TAPE # 339 (November 20, 1980)

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