

What is the Jewish view on clairvoyance and the psychic healers such as –


Don’t say any names. What the Jewish view is, I don’t know if it matters because today the Jews don’t have any views that are worth talking about. If you’re talking about the Torah view, all I can say is that we suspect all of them of being frauds. That’s all. They’re nothing but imposters. We don’t believe today that they’re clairvoyant.
Whether clairvoyance existed a long time ago among gentiles, I’m not able to tell you. It could be that in very ancient times, Hakadosh Baruch Hu carried on a parallel: the Jewish nation had prophecy so in order to deceive the nations, it could be He gave them some clairvoyance in order to serve as a temptation to mislead them. Because we find that Hakodosh Boruch Hu did that.  But that’s something that’s beyond my ken.
But today, it’s probable that they’re all frauds.
TAPE # 78 (June 1975)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Clairvoyance and the Psychic Healers



What is the Jewish view on clairvoyance and the psychic healers such as –


Don’t say any names. What the Jewish view is, I don’t know if it matters because today the Jews don’t have any views that are worth talking about. If you’re talking about the Torah view, all I can say is that we suspect all of them of being frauds. That’s all. They’re nothing but imposters. We don’t believe today that they’re clairvoyant.
Whether clairvoyance existed a long time ago among gentiles, I’m not able to tell you. It could be that in very ancient times, Hakadosh Baruch Hu carried on a parallel: the Jewish nation had prophecy so in order to deceive the nations, it could be He gave them some clairvoyance in order to serve as a temptation to mislead them. Because we find that Hakodosh Boruch Hu did that.  But that’s something that’s beyond my ken.
But today, it’s probable that they’re all frauds.
TAPE # 78 (June 1975)

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