Well the fact they were caught before they did harm we have to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for that. Certainly.
But we have to understand from this story that there are many reshaim that are planning all kinds of wicked things that we don’t know about. And Hakadosh Baruch Hu is constantly saving us in ways of which we are unaware. You have to know that. Very many things have happened to save us from things which we’re not aware of. And although we don’t have the slightest inkling that we were in danger, but we have to know that many times we are in very extreme sakanos and Hakadosh Baruch Hu has rescued us.
I’ll give a mashal. I always quote the same mashal. The blood vessels are very narrow, especially in the brain. Some are so narrow that the blood corpuscles can pass through only one by one; they’re so narrow.
Now you know the blood is viscous; it’s a sticky fluid. And it’s very easy for it to get stuck there. If it would get stuck there would be chalilah a stroke. A stroke in the brain! And still the blood vessels continue to march. The corpuscles march through the tiniest blood vessels in the brain and we rarely, rarely ever get a stroke. Sometimes one of the corpuscles gets stuck. That man is in trouble now! It’s a stroke chas veshalom. Suddenly Hakadosh Baruch Hu sends along the next corpuscle and it gives it a push and it’s unclogged! A neis!
We have to know Hakadosh Baruch Hu is doing miracles without our knowing it. Wonders are taking place within us. We’re being saved every day. על נפלאותיך שבכל יום עמנו ועל ניסך שבכל עת. Hashem is doing miracles all the time. We’re being saved. And it’s important for us to realize that.
So this story with the terrorists is just a mashal. Just like there we see that they planned to do something but Hashem frustrated their evil intentions, there are many instances where things are taking place that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is constantly rescuing us from perils.
TAPE # 927 (August 1993)