

If G-d doesn’t approve of Jews and non-Jews living together, why did He choose to bring the yeshua by having Esther live with Achashveirosh? Couldn’t He have found a more noble way?


Couldn’t Hashem have found a more noble way than the humiliation of having Esther taken by Achashveirosh?

And the answer is, certainly He could have found. But Hakodosh Boruch Hu was demonstrating by the nature of this nes what had happened to the Am Yisroel. We have to realize that the Am Yisroel was chosen by Hakodosh Boruch Hu to be His bride.  That’s what Matan Torah was and it’s described in these terms by the nevi’im.  But when some of them – now pay attention – some of them began to stray after the ways of the gentiles, the nevi’im compared the Am Yisroel to a woman who was unfaithful to her husband.  And therefore, Hakodosh Boruch Hu even though He brought the yeshua, even though the deliverance came as a result of teshuva, nevertheless it came in a form of degradation.  It wasn’t the type of nes that would have happened in the days of Yehoshua or in the days of Shmuel HaNavi or in the days of Dovid HaMelech.  It was already a sign of degradation.

We have to realize that the Golus is for the purpose of chastisement.  We’re not going to be restored to our former greatness until the end of days.  And Jews should not deceive themselves whether they’re in America or Australia to think that the olden days are gone forever and that we can become conquerors in Golus. It’s not so. Golus means that we are in for a long period of humiliation. Only that despite that, Hakodosh Boruch Hu is going to stand by us and rescue us in the midst of our humiliation.

But there has to be that humiliation and that’s what the story of Esther tells us; the nes was clothed in such a sad garment because that’s what Hakodosh Boruch Hu wants to teach us.  We’re in Golus not for the purpose of conquering the world.  Hakodosh Boruch Hu is going to preserve our existence but is not going to give us the dignity that belongs to us until the time comes for us to be restored.

TAPE # 302 (February 1980)


Why did Esther have to live with a low character like Achashveirosh?


Rabbosai, that’s why we don’t say hallel on Purim.  Purim is full of happiness and nissim, but אכתי עבדי אחשוירוש אנן  – we’re still slaves to Achashveirosh (Megillah 14a). Esther is still enslaved to Ashashveirosh.  It’s a pity.  That’s a tragedy, yes. That’s the undertone.  We’re still slaves to Achashveirosh. Olam Hazeh is not such a great happiness after all.

So although we rejoice – Haman is hanging! And Mordechai was made great in the palace! Everything is great! But it’s a pity on Esther.  A pity on Esther.

That teaches us that we have to wait for the next world and then we’ll get even with all of them.  With all of them! Yes. Then will be the Day of Reckoning.  The Yom Hacheshbon Hagadol.  That’s why there’ll be a big Purim then, a real Purim then.

TAPE # E-53 (March 1996)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Esther’s Sadness



If G-d doesn’t approve of Jews and non-Jews living together, why did He choose to bring the yeshua by having Esther live with Achashveirosh? Couldn’t He have found a more noble way?


Couldn’t Hashem have found a more noble way than the humiliation of having Esther taken by Achashveirosh?

And the answer is, certainly He could have found. But Hakodosh Boruch Hu was demonstrating by the nature of this nes what had happened to the Am Yisroel. We have to realize that the Am Yisroel was chosen by Hakodosh Boruch Hu to be His bride.  That’s what Matan Torah was and it’s described in these terms by the nevi’im.  But when some of them – now pay attention – some of them began to stray after the ways of the gentiles, the nevi’im compared the Am Yisroel to a woman who was unfaithful to her husband.  And therefore, Hakodosh Boruch Hu even though He brought the yeshua, even though the deliverance came as a result of teshuva, nevertheless it came in a form of degradation.  It wasn’t the type of nes that would have happened in the days of Yehoshua or in the days of Shmuel HaNavi or in the days of Dovid HaMelech.  It was already a sign of degradation.

We have to realize that the Golus is for the purpose of chastisement.  We’re not going to be restored to our former greatness until the end of days.  And Jews should not deceive themselves whether they’re in America or Australia to think that the olden days are gone forever and that we can become conquerors in Golus. It’s not so. Golus means that we are in for a long period of humiliation. Only that despite that, Hakodosh Boruch Hu is going to stand by us and rescue us in the midst of our humiliation.

But there has to be that humiliation and that’s what the story of Esther tells us; the nes was clothed in such a sad garment because that’s what Hakodosh Boruch Hu wants to teach us.  We’re in Golus not for the purpose of conquering the world.  Hakodosh Boruch Hu is going to preserve our existence but is not going to give us the dignity that belongs to us until the time comes for us to be restored.

TAPE # 302 (February 1980)


Why did Esther have to live with a low character like Achashveirosh?


Rabbosai, that’s why we don’t say hallel on Purim.  Purim is full of happiness and nissim, but אכתי עבדי אחשוירוש אנן  – we’re still slaves to Achashveirosh (Megillah 14a). Esther is still enslaved to Ashashveirosh.  It’s a pity.  That’s a tragedy, yes. That’s the undertone.  We’re still slaves to Achashveirosh. Olam Hazeh is not such a great happiness after all.

So although we rejoice – Haman is hanging! And Mordechai was made great in the palace! Everything is great! But it’s a pity on Esther.  A pity on Esther.

That teaches us that we have to wait for the next world and then we’ll get even with all of them.  With all of them! Yes. Then will be the Day of Reckoning.  The Yom Hacheshbon Hagadol.  That’s why there’ll be a big Purim then, a real Purim then.

TAPE # E-53 (March 1996)

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