What do you say about the man, Bernard Goetz, who shot those muggers on the train?
We say יישר כחכם – lang leben zohl ehr. כן ירבו! And I think it’s a good idea for people to write letters to the mayor saying that he should be given a decoration in city hall.
Only that the judges are crazy today. If chas v’shalom a criminal would stop you in the street, and you happen to have a knife, and the criminal wants to attack you, so you take your knife and you slit his throat. So the courts say you did a very big crime.
Now, if you hadn’t slit his throat and he would have done, chalilah the same thing to you, he would have gotten off with nothing, with nothing at all. But the fact that you slit his throat, the judge would throw the worst sentence at you. He’ll sentence you to prison – he would even give you the electric chair if they had it in that state.
Everybody knows how crazy the wicked judges are today. If a judge can give four million dollars to a mugger who was shot and wounded while he was escaping from the scene of a crime, so then we see how crazy the judges are today.
TAPE #539 (January 1985)