

Are there any specific things a girl should do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah?


Yes. One is that when there’s an appointment to meet one of the bnei Torah, she should make it her business first to go to a beauty parlor.  That’s a specific thing to do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah.  It’s a pity so many girls don’t know that.
Another specific thing is to brush your teeth from the age of six on.  And so when you’re going to meet that candidate and you’ll flash a smile, it shouldn’t be a row of crooked and decayed and dingy teeth.
And so there are a lot of specific things a girl should do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah.
Now, the questioner expected me to say, to explain, what prayer she should add at the end of shemoneh esrei. Certainly she should pray to Hakodosh Boruch Hu! But don’t forget that she has to do certain things that Hakodosh Boruch Hu wants her to do, things that are simple and direct in addition to all the other things.
Now I didn’t answer that question fully, but a little bit is also good.
TAPE # 92 (October 1975)

Rav Avigdor Miller on How to Merit Marrying a Ben Torah



Are there any specific things a girl should do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah?


Yes. One is that when there’s an appointment to meet one of the bnei Torah, she should make it her business first to go to a beauty parlor.  That’s a specific thing to do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah.  It’s a pity so many girls don’t know that.
Another specific thing is to brush your teeth from the age of six on.  And so when you’re going to meet that candidate and you’ll flash a smile, it shouldn’t be a row of crooked and decayed and dingy teeth.
And so there are a lot of specific things a girl should do to be zocheh to marry a true ben Torah.
Now, the questioner expected me to say, to explain, what prayer she should add at the end of shemoneh esrei. Certainly she should pray to Hakodosh Boruch Hu! But don’t forget that she has to do certain things that Hakodosh Boruch Hu wants her to do, things that are simple and direct in addition to all the other things.
Now I didn’t answer that question fully, but a little bit is also good.
TAPE # 92 (October 1975)

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