

Is it permitted to speak lashon hara against a wicked person in order to warn a righteous person away from him or a child away from him?


Now the first thing is to make sure that he’s a rasha. Because just because he’s your landlord and he doesn’t give heat in the way you want it or because he’s a competitor that doesn’t make him a rasha. You have to be very careful before declaring he’s a rasha.
But if you go to a competent rav, a moreh hora’ah, and he’ll pasken that this person is a rasha and you can talk lashon hara so you can talk lashon hara. You could talk.
But you have to get a psak. Don’t rely on yourself because in most cases you’re the one who is the rasha. That’s most cases.
TAPE # 250 (December 1978)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Lashon Hara Against a Rasha



Is it permitted to speak lashon hara against a wicked person in order to warn a righteous person away from him or a child away from him?


Now the first thing is to make sure that he’s a rasha. Because just because he’s your landlord and he doesn’t give heat in the way you want it or because he’s a competitor that doesn’t make him a rasha. You have to be very careful before declaring he’s a rasha.
But if you go to a competent rav, a moreh hora’ah, and he’ll pasken that this person is a rasha and you can talk lashon hara so you can talk lashon hara. You could talk.
But you have to get a psak. Don’t rely on yourself because in most cases you’re the one who is the rasha. That’s most cases.
TAPE # 250 (December 1978)

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