

What’s the Rav’s opinion of the Likud party versus the Labor party in Israel?


I must tell you my sincere opinion – I’m not interested in either of them. There’s only one party for us and that’s the party of those that are sh’lomei emunei Yisroel. That’s our party. The frum Jews, that’s our party.

The truth is that someday there will be a history written; there will be a Tanach written.  The gemara says that: אליהו כותב והקב״ה חותם – Eliyahu HaNavi is going to write it and Hakodosh Boruch Hu will sign (Kiddushin 70a). There’s going to be a great Tanach written and in that Tanach you’ll look in the back or in the front for references; you’ll want to see who is mentioned in this book. Likud? No; no mention of Likud! Nothing! You won’t find Teddy Kollek there either. You won’t find Ben Gurion. No, nothing will be mentioned of them. Nothing at all.

The history of Am Yisroel is being written by the frum Jews. They are the ones who make history – the frum men and frum women.  The ones who are raising families, they’re writing history.  A mother brings up a family of sons and daughters, sh’lomei emunei Yisroel, she has made history and she’ll be in that history book. Yes, women will be in that history book. Tzadikim and tzidkaniyos, frum men and women – not only gedolei Yisroel.  ויד כל אדם בו – Everybody’s hand will write in that history book something. Every person will someday be in the history book and it will be a very well written history.  Eliyahu HaNavi knows how to write. And all the tzadikim will be there, but nobody else! Likud, Labor, all of them will be left out.

Now, some people think it’s not a real Jewish history unless it mentions also the names of this Reformer, of that Zionist, of this other fellow. No! These are just accidents of history, tragedies, and they’ll be left out. Now, Hakodosh Boruch Hu will ‘take care’ of them, don’t worry about that! He won’t leave them out from getting what they deserve. Oh yes, he’ll ’take care’ of them! He has something in store for them! But they won’t be in the history book of the Am Yisroel. In that great Tanach, only the sh’lomei emunei Yisrael will be inscribed.

TAPE # E-55 (April 1996)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Likud Versus Labor



What’s the Rav’s opinion of the Likud party versus the Labor party in Israel?


I must tell you my sincere opinion – I’m not interested in either of them. There’s only one party for us and that’s the party of those that are sh’lomei emunei Yisroel. That’s our party. The frum Jews, that’s our party.

The truth is that someday there will be a history written; there will be a Tanach written.  The gemara says that: אליהו כותב והקב״ה חותם – Eliyahu HaNavi is going to write it and Hakodosh Boruch Hu will sign (Kiddushin 70a). There’s going to be a great Tanach written and in that Tanach you’ll look in the back or in the front for references; you’ll want to see who is mentioned in this book. Likud? No; no mention of Likud! Nothing! You won’t find Teddy Kollek there either. You won’t find Ben Gurion. No, nothing will be mentioned of them. Nothing at all.

The history of Am Yisroel is being written by the frum Jews. They are the ones who make history – the frum men and frum women.  The ones who are raising families, they’re writing history.  A mother brings up a family of sons and daughters, sh’lomei emunei Yisroel, she has made history and she’ll be in that history book. Yes, women will be in that history book. Tzadikim and tzidkaniyos, frum men and women – not only gedolei Yisroel.  ויד כל אדם בו – Everybody’s hand will write in that history book something. Every person will someday be in the history book and it will be a very well written history.  Eliyahu HaNavi knows how to write. And all the tzadikim will be there, but nobody else! Likud, Labor, all of them will be left out.

Now, some people think it’s not a real Jewish history unless it mentions also the names of this Reformer, of that Zionist, of this other fellow. No! These are just accidents of history, tragedies, and they’ll be left out. Now, Hakodosh Boruch Hu will ‘take care’ of them, don’t worry about that! He won’t leave them out from getting what they deserve. Oh yes, he’ll ’take care’ of them! He has something in store for them! But they won’t be in the history book of the Am Yisroel. In that great Tanach, only the sh’lomei emunei Yisrael will be inscribed.

TAPE # E-55 (April 1996)

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