

If someone has done a serious aveirah, let’s say even an aveirah chalilah of losing Olam Haba, will it help him to some degree if he goes to listen to instruction or if somebody gives him rebuke or reproof?


And the answer is it’s a lifesaver.
First of all, we have to know that in Gehenom there are all kinds of Gehenoms.  And to graduate from the bottom floor of Gehenom to a higher floor is in itself a hatzalah gedolah.  It’s a big difference, a very big difference in Gehenom from one department to another.
Secondly, it’s never too late to repent and a person can still save his Olam Haba if he does sufficient teshuvah.
And therefore there’s no question that if you hear on the other side of America that there’s somebody who is capable of giving good tochachah, strong rebuke, then take a plane and make sure you’re there because it’s an opportunity that could be a lifesaver forever and ever.
TAPE # 476 (October 1983)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Listening to Rebuke



If someone has done a serious aveirah, let’s say even an aveirah chalilah of losing Olam Haba, will it help him to some degree if he goes to listen to instruction or if somebody gives him rebuke or reproof?


And the answer is it’s a lifesaver.
First of all, we have to know that in Gehenom there are all kinds of Gehenoms.  And to graduate from the bottom floor of Gehenom to a higher floor is in itself a hatzalah gedolah.  It’s a big difference, a very big difference in Gehenom from one department to another.
Secondly, it’s never too late to repent and a person can still save his Olam Haba if he does sufficient teshuvah.
And therefore there’s no question that if you hear on the other side of America that there’s somebody who is capable of giving good tochachah, strong rebuke, then take a plane and make sure you’re there because it’s an opportunity that could be a lifesaver forever and ever.
TAPE # 476 (October 1983)

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