Generally we have the principle of siman tov; we like to give good simanim by means of our speech. So how come we say of this month that it’s Mar-Cheshvan, Bitter-Cheshvan?
The mem reish in Mar Cheshvan doesn’t mean bitter Cheshvan. No. No. Oh no, it doesn’t mean that.
If you wish to say something so mem reish, mar, means adon. Mar is adon, a master. Amar mar. Mar, marusa, ownership, mastery.
I don’t know if that’s what Mar-Cheshvan means but mar doesn’t mean bitterness, that’s certain. No, no. It’s not bitter.
TAPE # E-252 (November 2, 2000)
Because of what you said in your lecture before Rosh Hashanah, you inspired me and I decided that by Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan I will throw out my television. But my wife is addicted to TV and she’s making a big fuss. What do you recommend?
I don’t know. Maybe you can buy her a $2000 necklace and tell her that’s in exchange for the TV.
TAPE # 760 (October 1989)