

According to the Jewish calendar, this world is in existence for 5735 years old. If this is so, then how can the scientists have fossils ten million years old?


The answer is they don’t. They have fossils which they say are so old.
Now you shouldn’t be deceived. The reason they say it’s so old is because it has to be so old according to their plans. You have to have very long time periods if you want to imagine that something changed into something else.  You can’t have overnight a fish turn into a philosopher.  It takes a long time for a fish to become so dumb that he becomes a philosopher.  It’s very gradual that a fish deteriorates that much. So they need millions of years for that.
They have no way of measuring time in millions of years. Don’t be deceived.  None of the time measuring devices measures anywhere near millions of years. Alright. It’s only the necessities of the theory that require that.
Tape #78 (June 1975)

Rav Avigdor Miller on Million-Year-Old Fossils



According to the Jewish calendar, this world is in existence for 5735 years old. If this is so, then how can the scientists have fossils ten million years old?


The answer is they don’t. They have fossils which they say are so old.
Now you shouldn’t be deceived. The reason they say it’s so old is because it has to be so old according to their plans. You have to have very long time periods if you want to imagine that something changed into something else.  You can’t have overnight a fish turn into a philosopher.  It takes a long time for a fish to become so dumb that he becomes a philosopher.  It’s very gradual that a fish deteriorates that much. So they need millions of years for that.
They have no way of measuring time in millions of years. Don’t be deceived.  None of the time measuring devices measures anywhere near millions of years. Alright. It’s only the necessities of the theory that require that.
Tape #78 (June 1975)

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