Now we have to understand it’s not true. It doesn’t mean it’s difficult for you. It’s difficult for Hakodosh Boruch Hu kavayachol.
Why is that? Because Hakodosh Boruch Hu has to manipulate thousands of details in a person’s character.
It’s like if you have to make an automobile to order. If you make them on the assembly line, so one after the other they are exactly the same requirements. It’s not too difficult. But suppose a wealthy man wants an automobile made to order, with all types of specifications. So it’s difficult. You have special machinery.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu makes each person to order. There’s no assembly line. Nobody in the world has the same mind. אין דעותיהם שוות זו לזו. Of the millions of people, nobody has the same mind. The mind is very complicated; all kinds of middos, all kinds of attributes.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu has to make each person exactly to order for some other person. And each one is going to test the other. They’ll be living together and each one will become a shaleim if they utilize the opportunity correctly. Of course you have to utilize it correctly.
Now, Kriyas Yam Suf, Hakadosh Baruch Hu made. And He makes shidduchim too. But the complications of shidduchim are more complicated, more than even Kriyas Yam Suf. To tool a person and make his mentality fit for another person, making it to order each one, is such a difficult achievement that Hakadosh Baruch Hu considers it one of the most important things He does in the world and is more complicated than any neis that He did in the world.
TAPE # E-135 (April 2, 1998)