Why did Avraham Avinu refuse the gifts offered by the king of Sedom, but Avraham accepted the gifts from Pharaoh?
Now, it’s very simple, but that’s not the real answer. The simple answer is, he can’t refuse Pharaoh. You’re in Pharaoh’s power, you’re in Pharaoh’s land. The king gives you a gift, you can’t refuse it. Avraham wasn’t in the power of the king of Sedom. On the contrary. Avraham was the conquering hero, and he brought back all the people of Sedom that were captured by the enemy. So Avraham was a general who was in power at that time. He wasn’t afraid of the king of Sedom. He could refuse. But when he was in Mitzrayim, he didn’t have any army. He was in Pharaoh’s power. If Pharaoh gives a gift, what can you do?
There’s a better reason, however. You must know, Avraham Avinu didn’t mind at all taking gifts from Pharaoh. The more the better. Why should Pharaoh have it? Let Avraham have it. Common sense.
Now, שונא מתנות יחיה. The man who hates gifts is going to live longer.
You know why?
What’s the purpose of living? To utilize your free will, bechirah. Life is just for free will. Just to enjoy breakfast, and supper, you don’t need this world. There’s better breakfast in the World to Come. This world is for free will, to accomplish with your bechirah.
But suppose you lose your bechirah, you accepted gifts, now you’re a slave to all the people. You can’t say anything, because this man gives you parnassah. You can’t say anything here, because somebody else gives you parnassah. You’re accepting gifts from this storekeeper who is open on Shabbos, you accept gifts from this man who is not a frum Jew, you can’t speak up against not frum Jews. You’re afraid of everybody.
So receiving gifts, a man who receives gifts is a slave to all the givers. Once you take money from somebody, you’re his slave. He bought you. And you lose your free will. And even though people that are giving you the gifts are nice people, still, you’re not a free man anymore. You’re meshubad to them. You’re an eved to them.
And therefore “שונא מתנות” – if you hate gifts, you’re a free man. You could say whatever you have to say. Then Hashem says, you’re a ba’al bechirah, you can exercise your free will, “יחיה” – that’s why you should live.
Now, when he accepted gifts from Pharaoh, he was on his way out. Pharaoh sent him away. He wouldn’t see Pharaoh anymore. So he wouldn’t have to limit himself because of Pharaoh. So let Pharaoh give him all he has! Avraham could use it for good purposes. But the Melech Sedom was right next door. And Avraham was busy castigating Sedom. Avraham was taking in visitors, hospitality to wayfarers. And he’s blaming Sedom for not taking in wayfarers. He said “You’re a sinful a city, look at the wicked things you do!” How could he accept gifts from them? It would close up his mouth. And Avraham wanted to live, and accomplish. He went around preaching and talking. So he couldn’t accept gifts from Melech Sedom who was right nearby.
Tape #736 (May 1989)