

What did Hashem want to show us with the shooting of the President?


He wants to show us a lot of lessons.

One thing he wants to show us is how crazy this country is. It’s going wild. And it’s because of the meshugas of the American people, their lunacy. The people have gone nuts trying to lean over backwards to protect the criminals. 

And therefore this boy, instead of having a crackdown on him, he’s going to have every opportunity to get out of it. Because it’s a crazy American idea no matter how great the crime, even the crime of trying to kill a president, still the American people are not impressed by the necessity to repress crime.

And therefore just like common people are being shot all the time, more today than ever before – and it’s all the result of the liberals; the he ACLU, the Supreme Court judges who have made so many difficulties for law enforcement that today crime is a premium, it’s encouraged – so therefore finally we have a demonstration of shooting a President. 

Hakadosh Baruch Hu had pity and allowed him to live but it’s a big demonstration that we’re past the time already. It’s late! We have to wake up because America is falling to pieces because of disorder. And it’s all due to the wickedness of the liberals. 

We have to start going back to common sense administration of justice. So if Carter spent who knows how many millions investigating, with commissions, investigating crime, it’s as silly as possible. The common sense approach to crime is you have you put punishment as a deterrent to crime. Anybody will commit crimes if he can do it. And this secret you don’t have to spend millions to understand it. Ask any Italian construction worker. 

You have to come back to the death penalty. You have to come back to penal servitude, hard work on the rock pile. You have to come back to life sentences – not for murder; for murder it’s the electric chair – life sentences for serious crimes. That’s the only way humankind has dealt with crime in the past and that’s the only way we’ll ever be able to deal with it. The sociologists are our enemies. The criminologists are our enemies. If we could drive them all out of the schools and instead substitute some blue collar workers they will tell you how to stop crime in this country.

That’s one significance of the shooting, to let us know that we are at the high water mark of crime here. 

Another significance is that when Reagan won, it means he won a bullet. Elections sometimes mean a bullet. Now when Kennedy was elected, in the hour of his triumph he didn’t realize that he won a bullet in the head. Reagan only got a bullet in the lung. But it’s also a lesson. Nobody knows what a triumph really means to him. עושר שמור לבעליו לרעתו – There’s such a thing as wealth, triumph, that is for the detriment of a person (Koheles 5:12).

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. What we think is success is not always so.

TAPE # 357 (April 1981)

Rav Avigdor Miller on the Shooting of a President



What did Hashem want to show us with the shooting of the President?


He wants to show us a lot of lessons.

One thing he wants to show us is how crazy this country is. It’s going wild. And it’s because of the meshugas of the American people, their lunacy. The people have gone nuts trying to lean over backwards to protect the criminals. 

And therefore this boy, instead of having a crackdown on him, he’s going to have every opportunity to get out of it. Because it’s a crazy American idea no matter how great the crime, even the crime of trying to kill a president, still the American people are not impressed by the necessity to repress crime.

And therefore just like common people are being shot all the time, more today than ever before – and it’s all the result of the liberals; the he ACLU, the Supreme Court judges who have made so many difficulties for law enforcement that today crime is a premium, it’s encouraged – so therefore finally we have a demonstration of shooting a President. 

Hakadosh Baruch Hu had pity and allowed him to live but it’s a big demonstration that we’re past the time already. It’s late! We have to wake up because America is falling to pieces because of disorder. And it’s all due to the wickedness of the liberals. 

We have to start going back to common sense administration of justice. So if Carter spent who knows how many millions investigating, with commissions, investigating crime, it’s as silly as possible. The common sense approach to crime is you have you put punishment as a deterrent to crime. Anybody will commit crimes if he can do it. And this secret you don’t have to spend millions to understand it. Ask any Italian construction worker. 

You have to come back to the death penalty. You have to come back to penal servitude, hard work on the rock pile. You have to come back to life sentences – not for murder; for murder it’s the electric chair – life sentences for serious crimes. That’s the only way humankind has dealt with crime in the past and that’s the only way we’ll ever be able to deal with it. The sociologists are our enemies. The criminologists are our enemies. If we could drive them all out of the schools and instead substitute some blue collar workers they will tell you how to stop crime in this country.

That’s one significance of the shooting, to let us know that we are at the high water mark of crime here. 

Another significance is that when Reagan won, it means he won a bullet. Elections sometimes mean a bullet. Now when Kennedy was elected, in the hour of his triumph he didn’t realize that he won a bullet in the head. Reagan only got a bullet in the lung. But it’s also a lesson. Nobody knows what a triumph really means to him. עושר שמור לבעליו לרעתו – There’s such a thing as wealth, triumph, that is for the detriment of a person (Koheles 5:12).

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. What we think is success is not always so.

TAPE # 357 (April 1981)

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