Why do Lubavitcher chassidim consider themselves superior to litvisheh Jews?
First of all, Lubavitcher chassidim are mostly litvisheh Jews, you have to know. They are litvisheh Jews. And if they consider themselves superior, so we can ask the same question: Why is it that most non-Lubavitcher chassidim consider themselves superior to Lubavitcher chassidim? Why do Breslover chassidim consider themselves superior to Lubavitcher chassidim? And why do Satmerer chassidim consider themselves superior to Breslover chassidim?
And the answer is that all idealists who follow certain systems, they do it because they think it’s the best system – otherwise they’d follow a different system. It’s common sense! Why should a man be a Lubavitcher if he thinks something else is better? Why should a non-Lubavitcher be non-Lubavitcher unless he thinks that it’s better. All idealists follow the system they follow because they think it’s the best.
Now, who is going to be the arbiter and say who is the best? Moshiach will come, and in order to keep peace between everybody, he’ll say, “You’re all the best!”
And the truth is that they are all the best. But right now, it’s not really a question if the Lubavitcheh feel superior, because if you ask a litvisheh yeshiva bochur, he feels he’s superior. Ask a Satmarer and he feels he’s superior. And go into a sefardisheh yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, go into Porat Yosef, and he knows that he’s superior too. Everyone is superior.
And the answer is that’s how idealists have to be. No idealist will do something that he thinks is not superior.
TAPE # 271 (July 1979)