

For whom should be mechaven in the bracha of v’lamalshinim?


There’s no lack of customers.
First of all the malshinim, that’s number one.  There are some Jews who have caused great trouble to other people by maseringmalshinim.
Here’s a man, a tzaddik, he had a big business and he employed many frum Jews.  All the shomrei Shabbos got jobs there.  Many of them were able to get jobs without being on the list so they didn’t have to pay any taxes.  He was helping them.
But now some malshin reported him to the government and he’s gehagt tzaros now.  He has workers who were not paid on the books and they didn’t take any taxes off it.  He’s in trouble and he’s trying now to save himself. It costs him millions of dollars to defend himself. And now a new malshin comes along and masers him again.  He told me this.  A terrible thing!
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקווה – There’s no hope for them.  In Gehenom, there’s going to be a tremendous punishment without any hope.  There won’t be any hope for them.
And we say three times, מהרה, מהרה, מהרה.  It’s the only bracha where you say it three times; it should happen so quickly. We want the punishment to come upon them.  So that’s one class of customers – the malshinim.
Another class are the Reform Jews who are very angry that they cannot be the ones who dictate the dinim of kiddushin and geirus in Eretz Yisroel.  And they therefore say, “Don’t give any more money to Eretz Yisroel, to the yeshivas and so on, because the Orthodox are taking over.”  They are our enemies.  The Reform are our enemies.  אל תהי תקווה – They shouldn’t have any hope.
Of course if they do teshuvah and become frum Jews, alright.  But they have to do it fast.  They should hurry up because we want them to be destroyed quickly. So if the malach hamavess gets them first before they do teshuvah it’s their hard luck.  הרשעה כרגע תעקר. Immediately.
Now originally this bracha was said about the old original Christians.  The original Christians were all Jews.  They all kept everything but they were malshinim.  They went to the Romans constantly and masered.  So Hakodosh Boruch Hu considered them Jewish malshinim.
Today there are goyim malshinim too. A goy malshin is not as wicked as a Jewish malshin and therefore we don’t have any special blessing for them but still we have them in mind: אל תהי תקווה. But the Jews are worse.
TAPE # E-135 (April 2, 1998)

Rav Avigdor Miller on the Wicked Malshinim



For whom should be mechaven in the bracha of v’lamalshinim?


There’s no lack of customers.
First of all the malshinim, that’s number one.  There are some Jews who have caused great trouble to other people by maseringmalshinim.
Here’s a man, a tzaddik, he had a big business and he employed many frum Jews.  All the shomrei Shabbos got jobs there.  Many of them were able to get jobs without being on the list so they didn’t have to pay any taxes.  He was helping them.
But now some malshin reported him to the government and he’s gehagt tzaros now.  He has workers who were not paid on the books and they didn’t take any taxes off it.  He’s in trouble and he’s trying now to save himself. It costs him millions of dollars to defend himself. And now a new malshin comes along and masers him again.  He told me this.  A terrible thing!
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקווה – There’s no hope for them.  In Gehenom, there’s going to be a tremendous punishment without any hope.  There won’t be any hope for them.
And we say three times, מהרה, מהרה, מהרה.  It’s the only bracha where you say it three times; it should happen so quickly. We want the punishment to come upon them.  So that’s one class of customers – the malshinim.
Another class are the Reform Jews who are very angry that they cannot be the ones who dictate the dinim of kiddushin and geirus in Eretz Yisroel.  And they therefore say, “Don’t give any more money to Eretz Yisroel, to the yeshivas and so on, because the Orthodox are taking over.”  They are our enemies.  The Reform are our enemies.  אל תהי תקווה – They shouldn’t have any hope.
Of course if they do teshuvah and become frum Jews, alright.  But they have to do it fast.  They should hurry up because we want them to be destroyed quickly. So if the malach hamavess gets them first before they do teshuvah it’s their hard luck.  הרשעה כרגע תעקר. Immediately.
Now originally this bracha was said about the old original Christians.  The original Christians were all Jews.  They all kept everything but they were malshinim.  They went to the Romans constantly and masered.  So Hakodosh Boruch Hu considered them Jewish malshinim.
Today there are goyim malshinim too. A goy malshin is not as wicked as a Jewish malshin and therefore we don’t have any special blessing for them but still we have them in mind: אל תהי תקווה. But the Jews are worse.
TAPE # E-135 (April 2, 1998)

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