Is homosexuality a disease or a bad trait? And can he become normal again?
Homosexuality is a wickedness that comes from suggestion. It’s suggested by reshaim.
When our noble-hearted mayor, that noble, pure-minded mayor of ours, came to office, he issued a directive, an executive order that homosexuals should be given full rights in employment. Immediately that meant that it’s a normal kind of existence.
Now they are teachers. Now they are writers of textbooks. And they’re sneaking in all the sex education courses. They need it like a hole in the head, the sex education course. Jews, don’t be deceived. The sex education courses are nothing but a way of teaching the children sex. That’s all it’s for. It doesn’t help a bit. It doesn’t help to prevent pregnancies among girls. On the contrary, they’re increasing by leaps and bounds as a result of sex education. It’s a lie. It’s just an opportunity for filthy teachers to corrupt children.
Now they’re sneaking into the sex education course – all the courses – they’re sneaking in as one of the things, one of the alternatives is homosexuality. They want to tell the children that it’s also one of the ways of living. It’s an acceptable lifestyle. And that’s how they’re ruining the people.
And that’s the cause of this wicked, terribly wicked practice which is punishable by death in the Torah. Such people deserve to be put to death.
A homosexual is a criminal of the first degree. Don’t say it’s a pity on him, he needs treatment. He is a criminal who has been corrupted by bad example. Just like a murderer learned to commit crime because of bad example.
And the sodomy laws should have been reinstated and renewed with bigger punishments but today we are in very great danger because of the liberals. The liberals are corrupting the children by teaching them in the public schools that this is an acceptable lifestyle. And these people are going ahead.
Now I want to tell you people that you had to make a real brachah when Reagan was elected. When Reagan was elected our victory was finished. We’re not interested in what he’s going to do. Reagan is not an angel. We don’t care what he’ll do from now on. The mere fact that Carter was defeated was a yeshuah among other things because Carter’s platform was to give full rights – it means especial rights – to the gays. Now the gays have rights. But especial rights means as follows. They’re going to get affirmative action. If Carter was elected, it means the United States government would take the attitude of affirmative action for gays. So when there are jobs to be given to two people, the one that’s a homosexual will get the job even though he’s less suited for it. That’s what it meant. That’s plain talk, straight from the shoulder.
And so the fact that Carter was defeated was a yeshuah for the world. We don’t care if Reagan doesn’t do a thing. Let Reagan sit in his office and sip cognac for four years. If he doesn’t do a thing he already did a great yeshuah. He kept Carter out of the White House!
Carter was committed to drafting women. Carter said he wants to draft women. Only that Congress voted him down.
So now they heard such a thing, so the ACLU, the American Criminal Liberties Union, they brought suit in the Philadelphia federal court, ‘What do you mean? Discrimination against women? They shouldn’t be drafted?’
You hear that? Women’s rights, equal rights.
So they won in the Philadelphia court. And they vowed to fight all the way to the Supreme Court.
The only yeshuah is we hope this. We hope that Reagan will take a little vacation from drinking cognac and he’ll take a little time off and he’ll appoint some new judges. There are a couple of old judges there that he’ll be able to replace. And he can appoint more conservative judges – not meshugaim and criminals like those in the Supreme Court now. Today there are criminals in the Supreme Court. Not all of them but some of them are absolute criminals.
They’re people who encourage murder by blocking the death penalty. All the states had laws of death penalties and the Supreme Court stopped in on the slimmest, the most flimsiest, excuse.
Now, they had no right to interfere with the state laws. The death penalty was in existence when the fathers of the Constitution established our country. There’s nothing unconstitutional about the death penalty. So these fellows came in under Douglas, a wicked fellow, and they said that the death penalty is ‘cruel and unusual punishment’. All of a sudden they discovered this. They didn’t know.
Of course death is a cruel punishment. How could you give a death penalty without being cruel? But that’s part of the American way of life. It was in the Constitution; you could give the death penalty. There’s no law against it. Suddenly they came and said it’s cruel and unusual.
And so we hope that Reagan – although we wish him he should be on the golf links for the rest of his life and he should sit in the club and enjoy looking at plays and reading newspapers, but he should take a little vacation once in a while to appoint a judge when one of these old fellows conks off.
There are a couple of old judges who will retire soon. I think two or more. And if he’ll put in conservatives instead it will be a salvation for America. We should remember Reagan forever and ever just for that – even though he won’t do a thing for us. Maybe he will but it’s not important anymore. It’s a great victory for the American people.
Now people don’t understand that. Even if he would have been here to prevent the giveaway of the Panama Canal – the biggest stupid action in history, giving away the Panama Canal. And they gave billions of dollars to that dictator of Panama that he should take it with him. Billions of dollars they gave him to facilitate the takeover. Is there a bigger lunatic than that?
And that’s what the liberals are doing to us. The liberals are ruining the country. And they’re not asleep yet. They’re not going to stop. They didn’t retire. But at least it slowed down a little bit with the election of Reagan.
TAPE # 339 (November 20, 1980)