Why is snow white?
This was answered here once upon a time. Snow is white because the whiteness retards the sunrays. That’s why they wear white uniforms in the army in South American countries; in the navy, white uniforms. Because the white keeps them cool; it retards the sunrays.
And Hashem doesn’t want the snow to melt because the snow is a blanket to keep the earth warm. And that’s why snow is white.
You hear that? The whiteness causes the snow to remain longer and not to melt. הנותן שלג כצמר. Hashem gives snow the same way He gives us wool. It has to be like wool. And the purpose of wool is to keep you warm, to keep your body’s heat from escaping. And the snow keeps the earth warm, it keeps the warmth inside so that inside the earth all the living things that we need to cause crops to grow, they shouldn’t perish from the cold.
TAPE # 962 (June 1994)