How should an Orthodox Jew view the fighting in Eretz Yisrael?
How should we view the fighting in Eretz Yisrael?
So we go back to what our chachamim taught us: אם רואה אדם שיסורין באין עליו יפשפש במעשיו – If a man sees trouble coming upon him, he should seek for the cause in his deeds (Brachos 5a). In our deeds, in the deeds of all the Jews everywhere and in the deeds of the people who run the state of Israel. And it’s not difficult to find causes.
Golda Meir, the big chachamah, during the entire crisis was encouraging the people by saying ‘We have faith in Tzahal.’ That’s the Israeli army. Never once did she speak of and mention there’s such a thing as G-O-D.
Do you know why? Because she’s an atheist, a plain atheist. And all the big leaders are atheists.
So is atheism not enough a reason why Hakadosh Baruch Hu should want to give them a little prick in their hides? Maybe they should wake up and say ‘Ana Hashem hoshia na’?
That’s why the Arabs are there. Arabs are not just an accident. Every time, it’s just an accident: the Arabs are an accident, the Nazis are an accident, this is an accident, that’s an accident. There are no accidents in this world! Hakadosh Baruch Hu is giving you a little hint: ‘Wake up. Maybe you’ll still have enough sense to say ‘Ana Hashem hoshia na! Yisrael bitach baHashem!’ But not one word came out of Eretz Yisrael to that effect.
Yes, there are frum Jews there. They prayed. Some of us prayed here too. But from the leaders of the state of Israel – and don’t forget they’re the ones who set the tone for the entire state – not once did we hear an appeal to Hakadosh Baruch Hu or one word that they trust in Hakadosh Baruch Hu. So you have to look far for a reason?
Now there was a hysteria and everybody of course sympathized with them. And so it wasn’t a time to criticize then. But the truth is the derech haTorah is נחפשה דרכינו ונחקורה – we have to search and inquire into our ways when something happens, ונשובה עד השם – and return to Hashem (Eicha 3:40). And this you won’t hear. So in all the synagogues Rabbis are telling you sermons of encouragement: ‘This is the final geulah.’ ‘This is milchemes Gog uMagog.’ ‘We’re going to win. We’re going to win.’ They use pessukim. The rabbis use Hashem. They use Hashem to back up the people who are against Hashem.
And so when 1,800 of a little state are dead, maybe we should think ‘The Arabs only killed 1,800 but how much is the abortion law of the state of Israel killing every year?’ 15,000 Jews! 15,000 babies are killed every year in the state of Israel! So what are the Arabs compared to that?
So you red-hot patriots, think about that. Think about that. Who are the real enemies of the state of Israel? The Arabs can’t kill 15,000 a year. Of course they’d like to. But 1,800 is nothing compared to 15,000.
Dr. Glick from Coney Island Hospital says that from 1948 until 1970 there were two hundred thousand abortions in the state of Israel. So that’s all; do you need any better reason?
Abortions alone. I’m not talking about other things. There are plenty of other things. Abortions alone. Two hundred thousand Jewish children were killed in the state of Israel. Killed by who? Not by Arabs. So the 1,800 are a reminder, maybe you should start worrying about population now. The Arabs are not afraid now. The Arabs showed they could fight too. They’re learning how to fight better and better. The situation won’t get any better from now on. So maybe you should start worrying about population?
No, ah nachtige tug. That will never happen. They’re going to hold onto their ta’avos, to their lusts. Because that’s more important than anything else. They’ll continue to abort in the state of Israel. 1,800 young men! They’re fathers or they’re potential fathers. Do you know what a loss in population that is for the next ten years, the next twenty years?
But it could still be saved. Only that if they keep on murdering babies at this rate – and the Arabs are not aborting by the way; the Israeli Arabs are increasing and multiplying; all around they’re multiplying – it’s only the Jews, the chachamim…
Do you know the Jews are the most progressive country in the world, the state of Israel? How many countries have a woman as the prime minister?
Now I’m not against the mere fact of a woman being prime minister. That’s a separate question. But it shows something. Why doesn’t America have a woman president? Why doesn’t England have a woman prime minister? Why doesn’t France?
The answer is it’s the most irresponsible government. It’s irresponsible! It’s just a symptom. I’m not blaming them for that. That’s a symptom.
And therefore they’re being given little hints. And they should take the hints before it’s too late. Because the Arabs are not going to stop. If anything, they’re going to come back even bigger next time.
Now gentlemen, I want you to know that nobody is expected to agree with me. However, it doesn’t mean that I agree with you. Now let’s hear some more questions before we adjourn.
TAPE # 36 (November 1973)